Friday, April 25, 2008

Aromatherapy School Will Teach You About Essential Oils

Author: George

If aromatherapy appeals to you, then enrolling in an aromatherapy school would be the best way to go. They will teach you how to bring about a positive change in a patients illness by using herb and plant extracts, which are called essential oils. These plant oils (essential oils) are applied to the patients body by the use of massage, this and the aroma of the oils help to to encourage a positive change in the patients mood and illness.A perfume makers discovery:When first starting in aromatherapy school, students will probably hear the story about how this massage therapy was discovered. In the 1920's, a French chemist who was working on new perfumes in his laboratory, accidentally set fire to his arm. He put his arm into some lavender oil to put the fire out. The French chemist discovered that the lavender oil helped his arm to heal really fast and didn't leave a scar. So the chemist spent the rest of his life dedicated to aromatherapy.Aromatherapy schools teach students about the different types of essential oils and what illness they help to relieve. For instance If the patient is suffering from burns, an aromatherapy student will be taught how they should use lavender oil, and also the quantity and frequency to apply it. Many aromatherapy schools believe that aromatherapy is a science and should only be practised in a professional manner by aromatherapy school graduates. Although other schools teach the student to open up to there intuition as well. Which is seen by some as being the more balanced way.Some doctors disapprove of aromatherapy:There are some doctors who do not approve of aromatherapy and the aromatherapy schools that teach it. They also say that all that an aromatherapy school teaches is the ability to reduce stress. They also state that there reasons are based on the lack of any real facts or figures.Does aromatherapy only give stress relief:Some doctors actually agree some patients may have been helped by an aromatherapy treatment, however, they are quick to state, only because aromatherapy helped to ease their stress. For sure, stress can help to create a number of illness's and when stress is relieved, the illness is often relieved as well. However, they also comment that aromatherapy is not as successful as traditional medicine when it comes to serious illness. This is the block aromatherapy experiences in its attempt to reach the public at large. Many medical people such as doctors disagree with the use of aromatherapy to treat patients, however, many aromatherapy teachers agree that this therapy can help many patients with stress and illness. Whether doctors agree or not aromatherapy is becoming more and more popular in the US and the world at large, to the point where most major cities now have a aromatherapy school.Because of this growth in popularity there are many individuals applying to be accepted in an aromatherapy school. So it seems by going to an aromatherapy massage school many doubts are being dispelled about its ability to help people with stress and illnesses.

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